The person in the mirror

If I were to briefly characterize the person in the mirror, I would say something like this:

Lucy loves to laugh, she’s a bit of both idealist and pragmatist, she can be both strict and romantic. She’s fascinated by visual arts, music, literature and dance. Her home is inundated with books, paintbrushes, sheet music, children, evening gowns, cats, and colorful magazine clippings.

Some people think of her as being of oriental origin. She loves collage, the smell of cinnamon and sipping hot morning coffee in bed. She’s a little distrait, but she can charmingly wriggle out of it. She doesn’t lie, as a matter of principle, but now and then she exaggerates a bit as she can often get over-excited. Also similarly over-annoyed. When insecure and because she is a perfectionist, she procrastinates. She gets on her own nerves tremendously because of that.

The most important place in her heart is held by her computer guru crossed with musician and their four sharp-witted daughters. And, of course, her Creator and yours. Vital for her life are also the three Graces, her soul-mates. She has a fantastic brother, a caring Mom, great Mom and Dad in-laws, an exceptional Aunt Agnes, amazing Uncles Joseph, Peter and Paul and lots of great family and friends.

Lucy takes millions of pictures and videos.

 She also likes butterflies and systematic spreadsheets.